well hello blog, it's been 3 years since my last post here. I AM TWENTY or as Nathan Sykes said its twenteen because I don't feel or like to grow up and say good bye to my teenager life but I have to so whatevs. so many things happened in my life since. a huge break ups haha and I'll soon graduate plus get my diploma degree. maka dari itu gw sekarang sedang menghadapi
future crisis alias krisis masa depan. apakah gw harus kerja? sambil kuliah atau gimana? mau ngebahagiain orang tua tapi takut masuk dunia kerja. FYI gw udah magang di kap beberapa waktu lalu selama 4 bulan. and that was a misery. thats why I dont feel to find another job. but I kicked ass at my "sidang TA" haha.
selama 3 taun ini gw menjalani hidup sebagai fangirl. a british boybands fangirl tepatnya well yeah. dan sangat amat bangat menekuni US tv Series such as Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, GREEK (this one my fav, i cant stop watching it, unfortunately the show is over), New Girl, Revenge, and even Hannah Montana!
so I just stop by to say find me on any social media such as instagram or twitter with "cipacupeco" as my username. you'll find me if I have one :P