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Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale

aduh ga sabar nonton newmoon nih, oia di film twilight semua cewe yang nonton pasti jatuh cinta sama robert pattinson alias edward cullen nyeem tapi di fil ini gue tertarik juga sama Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale abis cool juga sih ngahaha. tapi emang sih pesona si jacob black juga ga nahan apalagi di film newmoon ini makin keren aja ckck
terus gue googling niatnya sih mau nyari fotonya jasper yang ganteeeng banget soalnya waktu itu pernah gue temuin tapi sampe gue nulis postingan ini belom ketemu juga foto yang tampan itu hmm. eh taunya gue malah nemu postingan di blog orang tentang si Jackson Rathbone itu pernah tinggal di indonesia yaaaampun tapi ga gitu jelas info tentang itu. ini dia postingannya;
FFF: Jackson Rathbone aka Jasper & JCullenBlack

So, I now present you with the:

5 Fun Facts for Jackson aka Jasper

jelek banget disini ga boong

1. Jackson was born in Singapore and grew up in midland Texas but also lived in Indonesia, among other countries.

2. Like RPat and Angela, he shares a passion for music, he’s even in a band called 100 Monkeys! Cute!

3. Wonder why the cast of Twilight seems to have so much chemistry on screen? Turns out Jackson is really good friends with Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) in real life – awwww!

4. For Jackson, he was asked what the coolest thing about being a vampire would be. His response was: “The singular coolest thing, to me, would have to be the ability to just stay out of the sun. I’m not really a sun person; I’m not a beach bunny. I’m more of an indoor-sports kind of guy. You know, just sitting at home with a guitar, very simple. I’m all about nightlife. I live during the night, so that would have to be the coolest aspect for me.” **Read the rest of this MTV interview… he explains why his role as Jasper is sooo awkward!**

jelek jelek banget dah hahaha

5. He’s currently working on a movie under M. Night Shyamalan called The Last Airbender, hmmm I wonder what that’s about…!

terus gue masih belom dapet fotonya jasper hale yang ganteng itu :(
tapi gue dapet beberapa yang agak oke
hehe udahan dulu ah kebanyakan fotonya dah abis ganteng - ganteng sih pengen gua masukin semua rasanya hahaha :)

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